To provide a safe haven for those and their children experiencing intimate partner violence
Thriving communities free of intimate partner violence
Dignity and respect, empowerment, empathy, compassion, diversity and inclusivity, integrity, accountablity, trust and safety
Who We Are
Bryony House is a 24-room shelter. Each year, approximately 500 women and children stay with us and 2,500 distress calls are answered. Our dedicated counselors answer the 24-hour distress line, provide individual/group support, public education, advocacy and referrals. An important part of our work is to break the cycle of abuse. Women who contact us come from many walks of life, socio-economic classes and cultural backgrounds. What they have in common is that they are in, or are fleeing, an IPV relationship. Today, we continue to provide transitional supports and services that strengthen our community, educate the public and empower women.